Monday, August 12, 2019

The Golden Standard

Invitet by Mossudställningar to relate to Hjorthagen the newly built addition to Stockholm, we made a meteorological SciFi, that was performed by us and the participants. Below are quotes from the piece that questions standard assumption that the burning og biomass is sustainable, and consider the sounds of and ways of building in the future.

"The philosophy is basically that materials cannot be owned, but are merely something we have on loan from nature. In a moment we will reach the edge of the disassembly zone. There we will see the carefully dismantling of houses, and sorting of building materials. Everything will be taken apart and moved to higher ground to be used again."

"The frequency of flooding in these lands have become to high for human occupation. And we, as many others, will have to evacuate to the hills. For everyone there is a blanket to keep you warm and protected in the process. This is a transitory skin, a second architecture, that reflects heat back on your body, and ironically reflects the image of the architecture being disassembled around you in a golden glow. We are in transition. Only a µ thin skin to protect us from the all to frequent bursts of rain, it also reflects the unfiltered sun rays, and deflects the sudden colds."

Give proper embodiment
Appropriate to living
Be servants of this community
Growing means
Striving after the harmonious enjoyment of
Work means
Our search for the harmonious form of existence
We despise every form
Which is prostituted into a formula 
It is the song of songs of harmony
It is a strategy for balancing within the community
Its basis is the recognition of the living space
Finally all creative action is determined by the fate
Of the landscape
(Excerpt from the bauhaus director Hannes Meyers manifest of 1929)

"You will see rabbits everywhere grazing behind the fence. Shortage of foods made rabbits the most popular home breeding animal. They are all runaway animals (probably let free by kids who were to fund of the animals to eat them for dinner)"

"Listen: It is no longer electricity your hear, but the humming from the Ocean. The Ocean comes to us as a warning, but also as a reminder, to live in accordance with the elements."

Friday, May 03, 2019

The golden standard

The houses of Hjorthagen, built in 2019, are carefully being dismanteled. All materials are sorted to be reused on higher grounds. The sound of our footsteps on gravel are mixed with the humming of insects. There are rabbits grazing around the powerplant. We are getting nearer the inner zone, where people are gathering to start anew.

We invite you to take part in a walk that slowly ventures back in time from a future perspective.

Place; We will start at the little bridge at the pass between Norra Djurgård by Husarviken in Hjorthagen, Stockholm, Sweden, and finish at the Ropsten T-Bana.  See map 

Time: 18th of May at (TBC) hours